Every couple of days Cubbie asks me, "Mom! When can we go back to the pumpkin farm?" It's like he senses that it's fall and time to run the corn maze, watch the pig races, take pics with the pumpkins, ride the cow train, climbing the tractor, roping practice, and let's not forget the roping and the slides (YES THE SLIDES - oh the slides!!)
On Sat Sept 25Lone Star Family Farm & Corn Maze opens for FALL FUN and has something for everyone:
100-acres of fun
Slides, rides, & play area
1,000's of pumpkins
Fields of sunflowers
Farm animals
Photos ops
INFO/TICKETS: lonestarfamilyfarm.com
Lone Star Family Farm & Corn Maze is open to the public on the following days:
Fridays: 4:00PM - 9:30PM*
Saturdays: 10:30AM - 9:30PM**
Sundays: 1:30PM - 7:30PM
* CLOSED Friday, Nov. 5th
** Sat., Nov. 6th: Close at 6PM